What is HTTP Monitoring?

HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are protocols used to send and receive data over the Internet. They are essential for online communication and play a critical role in data flow between a user’s browser and a website.

In other words, it’s like entering https://xitoring.com into your browser.


  • Stands For: Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • Usage: It is used for transmitting and receiving information on the web.
  • Security: HTTP does not encrypt the data being transferred, which means it’s possible for unauthorized parties to intercept the data. This makes it less secure, especially for sensitive information.
  • Port: By default, it uses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) port 80 for communication.


What is SMTP Server Monitoring?

SMTP monitoring is like keeping an eye on the post office of the internet that sends your emails. Imagine you have a post office (SMTP server) that needs to make sure all the letters (emails) get sent out properly and on time. By monitoring SMTP services, organizations can detect and address problems early, before they impact users or lead to significant downtime. This can include issues like server overloads, failed delivery attempts, authentication errors, or network problems. SMTP monitoring tools may provide real-time alerts, detailed logs, and reports to help IT teams troubleshoot and resolve issues promptly. (more…)

Top Website Monitoring Tools in 2024

A website is the foundation of every online and local business. It serves as the central point for users to interact with your brand, goods, and services. Thus, maintaining your website’s performance, availability, and security is critical.

But how can you maintain a close check on all of these things without being overwhelmed?

The answer is in using proper website monitoring tools. In 2024, the landscape of such tools is extensive and diverse, meeting a wide range of requirements and budgets. This thorough guide attempts to highlight your route to picking the ideal tool, whether you’re a tiny startup or a large organization.

What is Website Monitoring?

So, first let us look into what Website Monitoring is. Website Monitoring is the process of testing and verifying that end users may interact with a website or online service as intended. It requires checking and monitoring the website’s performance, availability, functionality, and security to guarantee optimal functioning and user satisfaction. This ongoing monitoring helps identify issues such as outages, slow page load times, broken links, and security breaches before they have a major effect on users or the business.

Website monitoring is being broken down into two categories. Synthetic Monitoring and Real User Monitoring (RUM) are two important methods for online performance and availability monitoring. Both provide distinct insights and value, but in different ways. Understanding these distinctions is critical to choose the best monitoring method for your needs.

Synthetic Monitoring

Synthetic monitoring, also known as proactive or artificial monitoring, is the process of mimicking user interactions with a website or application using automated scripts. This approach enables you to test web performance and availability in a controlled environment, without requiring actual user traffic. It’s similar to sending a robot to a business to make sure it’s open and running properly before customers come. In our earlier article we have covered all questions about Synthetic Monitoring. Here we will take a fast look into it again.

Key Features:

  • Predefined Actions: Tests are based on scripted interactions predefined by the user, such as logging in, navigating through pages, or completing a transaction.
  • Global Perspective: You can run these tests from multiple geographic locations to measure how performance varies across different regions.
  • 24/7 Monitoring: Because it doesn’t rely on real user traffic, synthetic monitoring can operate around the clock, identifying issues during off-peak hours.
  • Consistency: Tests are repeatable and consistent, providing a baseline for performance benchmarks and comparisons over time.


  • Early Problem Detection: Synthetic monitoring can identify issues before they impact real users, allowing for proactive troubleshooting.
  • Performance Benchmarking: It offers a consistent baseline for tracking performance improvements or degradations over time.
  • Global Availability Checks: You can ensure that your website or application is accessible and performs well from different locations worldwide.

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

Real User Monitoring records and analyzes real-time interactions between users and a website or application. It captures information on how real people interact with the website, such as page load times, transaction pathways, and user behavior patterns. Consider having observers in the store to monitor how customers navigate and experience the purchasing process.

Key Features:

  • Real Traffic: RUM relies on actual user interactions, providing insights into real-world performance and user experience.
  • Diverse Data: It captures a wide range of metrics, including device type, browser, network conditions, and geographical location of users.
  • User Behavior Insights: RUM can offer insights into how user behavior impacts performance, such as which pages are most visited or where users face issues.


  • User-Centric Insights: RUM provides a direct look into how real users experience your site, which is crucial for optimizing user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Issue Identification: It helps identify specific problems encountered by real users, which might not be covered by synthetic monitoring scripts.
  • Performance Optimization: By understanding real user experiences, you can prioritize optimizations that will have the most significant impact on your audience.

Comparing Synthetic Monitoring and RUM

While both monitoring techniques are valuable, they serve different purposes:

  • Synthetic Monitoring is best suited for baseline performance testing, availability checks, and identifying issues before they affect users. It’s a controlled approach that allows for consistent testing across various conditions.
  • Real User Monitoring shines in providing insights into actual user experiences, uncovering real-world issues, and optimizing for real user conditions. It’s dynamic and directly reflects the diversity of an actual user base.

Why Website Monitoring is Non-negotiable

Imagine your website as an active store. What if the doors randomly closed during the day, or the inside was so disorganized that consumers were unable to navigate it? This is what happens when your website is down, slow, or hacked. Website monitoring tools serve as your digital stewards, keeping the doors open, the lights on, and the shelves organized. However, these tools do more than just avoid problems; they also provide insights into user experience, allowing for adjustments that may greatly improve your site’s speed and, by implication, your business’s profitability.

  • Minimizes Downtime –Downtime may be extremely costly, not just in terms of missed sales or money, but also in terms of consumer trust and brand reputation. Monitoring notifies you to downtime issues as they occur, allowing you to resolve them quickly and with minimal effect on your users and company.
  • Improves Website Performance –Speed and efficiency are critical for keeping consumers interested. Slow-loading pages can annoy and drive visitors away. Regular monitoring provides performance bottlenecks, allowing you to minimize load times and keep your site running quickly and efficiently.
  • Ensures Functionality of Website Features –Shopping carts, forms, and third-party services are all common features and integrations used on websites. Monitoring ensures that all of these components perform as expected, allowing people to engage with your site without experiencing broken features or issues.
  • Detects Security Threats –With cybersecurity risks on the rise, monitoring your website for unexpected behavior can serve as a first line of protection against assaults. Prompt detection enables you to correct vulnerabilities and preserve sensitive data, preserving your consumers’ confidence while adhering to data protection rules. SSL Health Checks are one of the most important tests performed here.

Top 8 Website Monitoring Tools of 2024 (Free and Paid)

Let’s look at the best website monitoring solutions available, including both free and paid choices that match all budgets and needs.

1. Xitoring (Paid + FREE)

Perfect for startups, small, and medium businesses, Xitoring provides essential monitoring features without breaking the bank. Its uptime checks and alerting features ensure you’re always in the loop about your website’s status. Besides of Uptime Monitoring, it also provides Linux & Windows server monitoring


  • Real-time performance monitoring
  • 20 monitors with 1-minute checks in the free plan
  • Advanced SSL monitoring included with SSL health checks
  • API Monitoring, which allows you to keep an eye on your api with third-party integrations
  • Over 15 probing nodes for the monitoring your website
  • Alerting via email, SMS, WhatsApp, and various notification channels
  • Maintenance windows to pause monitoring during planned downtime
  • Customizeable Public Status Page
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting

Benefits: Xitoring’s simple setup and operation make it a popular choice among startups, small and medium enterprises. The tool’s free tier provides critical monitoring functions, making it accessible to businesses with low resources. Its integrated Linux and Windows monitoring agents enable all monitoring requirements to be met in one location. You can monitor server software such as Apache, Nginx, MySQL, Docker, and many others, all of which are required for websites to function.

2. Pingdom ( Paid )

Pingdom, a website monitoring tool, provides a package of strong capabilities like as real-time monitoring, performance analysis, and uptime tracking. It’s the go-to solution for organizations that need precise data to improve customer experiences across the board.


  • Real-time performance monitoring
  • Uptime and response time tracking
  • Page speed analysis tools
  • Transaction monitoring for e-commerce and sign-up processes
  • Alerting via email, SMS, and integrations with apps like Slack

Benefits: Pingdom offers intuitive dashboards that make it easy to understand complex data at a glance. Its robust reporting capabilities allow for historical performance analysis, helping to identify trends and potential issues.

3. Site24x7 ( Paid )

Site24x7 is a solution designed for  enterprises with complicated demands, providing complete monitoring for websites, servers, and cloud services, as well as AI-powered analytics.


  • Website, server, and network monitoring from over 60 locations worldwide
  • Application performance monitoring (APM)
  • Cloud services monitoring
  • Real user monitoring (RUM)
  • Log management and AI-powered analytics

Benefits: Site24x7 provides a comprehensive suite of monitoring tools, making it an all-in-one solution for larger organizations. Its global monitoring capabilities ensure that you can track your site’s performance from your users’ locations.

4. Datadog ( Paid )

Datadog offers comprehensive analytics, real-time performance tracking, and broad integration possibilities, making it suitable for precise analysis and customization.


  • Real-time performance metrics
  • Advanced analytics and dashboarding
  • Integration with over 400 services
  • Log management and APM
  • Synthetic monitoring to test website and API endpoints

Benefits: Datadog excels in customization and depth of analysis, offering granular insights into website and application performance. Its integrations make it a powerful tool for teams using a variety of cloud services and technologies.

5. New Relic ( Paid )

New Relic, which focuses on application performance, is the ideal alternative for enterprises looking to optimize their online applications with real-user data and application performance monitoring.


  • Application performance monitoring
  • Real user monitoring
  • Synthetic transactions to simulate user interactions
  • Serverless function monitoring
  • Infrastructure monitoring

Benefits: New Relic focuses on application performance, providing detailed insights that help developers optimize their code and infrastructure. Its scalability makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

8. Uptrends ( Paid )

Uptrends’ worldwide monitoring network sets it apart, making it the ideal solution for businesses that want thorough performance data from around the world.


  • Uptime, transaction, and server monitoring
  • Real user monitoring (RUM)
  • Global checkpoint network
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting
  • API monitoring

Benefits: Uptrends provides detailed insights into website performance from a global perspective, making it easy to pinpoint issues affecting users in specific regions.

Choosing the Right Tool for Your Needs

Choosing the best website monitoring solution requires an in-depth understanding of your targets and limits. Consider the budget, desired features (e.g., real-time alerts, performance benchmarks, worldwide monitoring), ease of use, integration possibilities, and support level. Balance these factors against the expense to ensure you get value for your investment. Remember that the goal is to increase your website’s performance and dependability, which directly contributes to a better user experience and commercial success.

A Practical Guide for Minimizing Downtime in E-Commerce

Have you ever calculated the real cost of downtime on your e-commerce website? In a sector where seconds may spell the difference between a sale and a lost customer, understanding and minimizing downtime is key to success. This blog article digs into the technical aspects of e-commerce downtime, including tactics for reducing its incidence and the critical role of monitoring tools in this effort.

Understanding Downtime

Downtime refers to periods when your website is unavailable to users due to server problems, network difficulties, application faults, or scheduled maintenance. The consequences vary from lost revenue and tarnished reputations to lower search engine ranks and client confidence.


What are Network Protocols?

Network protocols are collections of rules and conventions that govern how data is sent and received across a network. These protocols allow networked devices to interact successfully. The following are some of the most fundamental and extensively used network protocols, along with brief descriptions for each. Each of these protocols is critical to the operation of networks and the Internet, allowing for various types of data transfer and communication. In order to better understand the roles and uses of different network protocols.

Internet Protocol (IP)

IP is a primary network protocol used for sending data packets from one device to another on the Internet. Each device is assigned an IP address, which helps in directing the packets to the correct destination.

  • Example: When you visit a website, your computer uses IP to send requests to and receive data from the server where the website is hosted. Each packet of data sent or received includes the IP address of the source and destination.


What is Redis Monitoring?

Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store that functions as a database, cache, and message broker. It can handle a variety of data structures, including strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets with range queries, bitmaps, hyperloglogs, geographical indexes, and streams. Redis has replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and various levels of on-disk persistence. It also enables high availability with Redis Sentinel and automated partitioning with Redis Cluster.

Redis’ primary advantage is its speed, with operations taking less than a millisecond to complete, making it ideal for high-throughput use cases like caching. Its in-memory nature allows it to perform significantly quicker than disk-based databases. Redis’ data structures offer a wide range of functions, making it suitable for a variety of applications beyond caching, including real-time analytics, messaging, and session storage in web applications.

Redis was created with simplicity and efficiency in mind, and it is easy to set up and use, providing a simple yet powerful solution to handle data effectively in a variety of computing settings and applications.


Microsoft Azure Monitoring – Marketplace

Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine (VM) is a key component of Azure, Microsoft’s main cloud computing service. Azure VM provides both flexibility and power by allowing customers to run virtualized programs and operating systems in the cloud, just as they would on a physical machine in their own workplace or home, but with the added benefits of cloud computing.

What is Microsoft Azure VM?

An Azure Virtual Machine (VM) is essentially a server or computer file, commonly known as an image, that behaves like an actual computer. It runs in Azure’s cloud infrastructure, enabling users to deploy a wide range of computing solutions without the need for physical hardware. This virtualized environment can be used for hosting applications, websites, databases, and much more, providing the scalability and flexibility required for modern computing needs.


Xitoring latest features on February

We’re thrilled to announce our latest feature introduced in February, versions v2.19 and v2.20. You can always access our Release notes on docs.

New Integrations:

Two new amazing integrations for Xitogent v2.6, Microsoft IIS, and PostgreSQL are introduced! A complete list of current Server integrations.

IIS Monitoring

While IIS is known for its performance, it’s not immune to issues such as bottlenecks, crashes, or resource overutilization. Neglecting monitoring can lead to performance degradation, security vulnerabilities, and downtime for your websites and applications. To ensure your IIS server operates seamlessly, you need to continuously monitor and fine-tune it.

Microsoft IIS monitoring is available on Windows servers running Xitogent > 2.6.

Read more about IIS monitoring.

PostgreSQL Monitoring

While PostgreSQL excels in performance, it is susceptible to bottlenecks, crashes, and resource exhaustion. Neglecting monitoring can result in degraded performance, compromised security, and website downtime. To uphold seamless operations of your PostgreSQL database, continuous monitoring and optimization are imperative.

PostgreSQL monitoring is available on both Linux and Windows servers running Xitogent > 2.6.
Read more about PostgreSQL monitoring.

Status Page Translation

Endless possibilities to easily translate the status page using an on-page editor to your language! For a better experience, we have published a few templates for German, Italian, Turkish, French, and Spanish so you can easily modify or use them. For any language, you can use the English template and change variables as you wish!

Trigger Management

It’s now pretty easy to manage all triggers for all uptime checks and servers in one place, easily add or remove notification roles in bulk, identify triggers without a notification role assigned, and much more!

Custom Uptime reports

Easily export report PDF for your uptime checks, filtered by groups or type, for your desired period!

Invite teammates

No need to create a complete profile for teammates, provide their email addresses and access levels, and let them register on their own. This feature lets you invite your teammates faster and more efficiently.

Minor changes and bug fixes

More than 30 bug fixes, and many major changes to enhance your experience with Xitoring. You can review all changes and bug fixes on the release note.


These updates are aimed at providing you with a more robust and seamless monitoring experience. Your feedback is invaluable, so please feel free to share your thoughts or report any issues you may encounter.

Thank you for being a part of the Xitoring community. We look forward to continuing to enhance your monitoring journey.

What is DNS Monitoring?

Did you know how does the internet remember where everything is? 😕

Imagine trying to find your way to a friend’s house in a large, foreign city without a map or street signs. Sounds stressful, doesn’t it? This scenario is similar to the issue we would confront online if the Domain Name System (DNS) did not exist. This computerized guidebook does more than simply guide us; it ensures that we get at our destination quickly and securely. However, maintaining this level of reliability is not simple; it needs constant DNS monitoring.

But what exactly is DNS, and why is monitoring it so important for our online security? Let’s review the essence of DNS monitoring, understand its critical function, and discover how it may be easily controlled using an all-in-one monitoring solution like Xitoring, which not only promises but delivers on uptime and DNS monitoring with amazing efficiency.

What is DNS?

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical and decentralized naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to the internet or a private network. It translates more readily memorized domain names (like www.example.com) to the numerical IP addresses needed for locating and identifying computer services and devices with the underlying network protocols. Simply said, DNS is what allows us to enter a domain name into our browser and be directed to the proper site.


What is Ping Monitoring?

Ping monitoring is a fundamental network monitoring tool that tests the reachability of a host on an Internet Protocol (IP) network. It operates by sending Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request messages to the target host and listening for echo response replies. This process allows the monitoring tool to measure the round-trip time it takes for a message to go from the source to the destination and back again, providing insights into the latency and availability of the host.
