A server uptime monitoring dashboard comparing two data centers (2022 DC and 2021 DC), displaying uptime percentages for heartbeat, ping, HTTP(S), and FTP services with graphical uptime bars.

Understanding Uptime and Downtime

These days, the most crucial thing to be sure of is the ongoing availability of online services. The ideas of uptime and downtime become essential for anyone exploring the field of uptime monitoring. This article provides an easy overview of uptime and downtime along with helpful advice for obtaining and preserving optimal uptime.

What is Uptime and Downtime?

Uptime refers to the period during which a system, service, or website is operational and accessible. It is the time when users can easy interact with the platform. On the other hand, Downtime is the opposite, it refers to the amount of time that a system is unavailable or experiencing problems.

But why does this distinction matter? To answer this, consider the basic difference between uptime and availability.
