Xitoring Release Notes | Xitoring Document

Xitoring Release Notes

Recent releases of Xitoring App (frontend and application core) are noted below, we aim to release two major versions monthly.

2.27 - Jun 20 - 2024


  • Varnish integration
  • RabbitMQ integration
  • Processes integration
  • Disk health integration
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Metric page improvements


  • Fix the trigger item style and close the modal
  • Fix the metrics page toggle menu
  • Resolved metrics are now handled by resolved_id data
  • Disable server addon on uptime packages (billing)
  • Fix email reports to unselect the main account
  • Minor fixes

2.26.2 - May 30 - 2024


  • Status page period filter: last 30 days
  • Fix period on metrics

2.26 - May 22 - 2024


  • Graphs for Status page
  • Metrics page added
  • Server UID and the password are now visible on the edit form
  • add triggers count as a badge to integrations


  • 2FA disable bug
  • fix the style input condition for HTTP trigger
  • service trigger bug
  • fix root cause button on incident view (TCP & UDP)
  • fix discover checks notification roles selection
  • fix trigger validation

2.25 - May 6 - 2024


  • TCP Monitoring
  • UDP Monitoring
  • Custom period selection for graphs

2.24.2 - Apr 29 - 2024


  • Fix trigger alerts on edit mode
  • integration tab empty mode improvements
  • incident UI fixed for services
  • incident UI fixed for docker
  • table improved: backgrounds and table head
  • alias for billing packages
  • fix contact full access UI
  • fix page container style on mobile
  • improved tickets table
  • SSL UI improved on mobile

2.24 - Apr 19 - 2024


  • Rename Uptime checks on Status page
  • Order Uptime checks on Status page
  • Promote Creating SSL checks while creating Uptime check
  • add a warning when creating a trigger that issues an alert immediately according to server metrics
  • Bulk move uptime checks to group and sub-groups
  • Many UI and UX fixes on several pages for a better experience
  • Import Uptime checks from Uptime.com
  • Import Uptime checks from UptimeRobot.com
  • Import Uptime checks from Pingdom.com
  • Import Uptime checks from BetterUptime.com


  • Many minor bug fixes and performance enhancements

2.23 - Apr 4 - 2024


  • Xitoring CLI authorization
  • Geo map for HTTP and Ping latencies


  • fix bug select notification roles on add server

2.22 - Mar 31 - 2024


  • Zapier integration
  • SSL insight and grading
  • Redesigned filters
  • notification roles linked to trigger management


  • empty xitogent key handled for server add
  • validation for packetloss value
  • responsiveness significantly improved
  • fixed docker details and graphs
  • empty condition for ssl widget
  • fixed google oauth for google
  • Add os and group filter server list
  • fix edit mode trigger
  • fix warning notification roles trigger management
  • contact list improved
  • graphs loading and custom date select style

2.21 - Mar 11 - 2024


  • Compact list for Uptime checks
  • Server list improvements: added Disk IO columns, and quick search
  • xMatters Integration (private beta)
  • Zapier Integration (private beta)
  • New Uptime check form improved


  • Bugs on uptime custom report
  • Units on IIS Integration
  • Unites pn PostgreSQL Integration
  • Global search bugs
  • 2FA functionality bug

2.20 - Feb 23 - 2024


  • Status page: optional uptime percentage, view details optionally, recent incidents
  • Status page: checks selection component improved


  • Handle timezone on accounts logs
  • Fix custom reports PDF
  • SSL widget styling
  • 404 page
  • Ticket attachments
  • Contact create access
  • xitogent register key "expire never" bug
  • limit data on recent sessions widget to 5

2.19 - Feb 20 - 2024


  • Invite sub-account
  • Delete account functionality
  • SSL expire widget
  • Server OS icon unkown state
  • GitHub and Microsoft oauth
  • IIS Integration (Windows)
  • PostgreSQL Integration (Windows and Linux)
  • Xitogent key selection on server add
  • Trigger management
  • add notification roles and repeat to incident view timeline
  • Uptime reports and PDF exports
  • Translation support for Status page


  • Button sizes unified
  • Sort by label on the server list
  • Session auth to JWT auth
  • changed mail logs date to apply the timezone
  • Powershell default version changed on server add
  • 404 and 403 pages changed


  • Validation for response time
  • Server services table
  • Network graph loading bug
  • MySQL units fixed for Windows server
  • fix rename server and move server from server list
  • fix IMAP check default value for STARTTLS
  • and many minor bug fixes

2.18 - Jan 26 - 2024


  • Incident details page
  • Incident timeline
  • Incident Root cause improved significantly
  • Add the top 5 processes (CPU, Memory, Load average) to related incidents as root cause
  • Bulk add for uptime check
  • Bulk add SSL checks
  • Service Triggers (Linux and Windows Servers)
  • Shared custom dashboards


  • The Header is now compact on desktop


  • Fix the count of header notification
  • Fix total downtime on incidents
  • Fix channel_id Telegram on notification roles
  • Fix date format on check history
  • Fix help text on status page
  • Fix address modal for sub accounts
  • Fix netstat integration display for non-enabled servers
  • Fix Xitogent heartbeat interval
  • Fix ticket page crash

2.17 - Dec 27, 2023


  • SSL Bulk actions
  • SSL sorting and filters
  • Open Incident badge on side menu
  • New server edit page
  • New check edit page
  • Realtime update after timezone changes
  • HTTP basic authentication for HTTP checks
  • API monitoring on New monitoring
  • Redesigned Incidents page with a heatmap
  • Status page: Custom CSS
  • Status page: ability to disable full-screen
  • Status page: ability to hide groups
  • Status page: support Google Tag
  • Server Services for Linux and Windows servers
  • Server list improvements


  • SSL check history
  • UI Improvements
  • Fixed mobile and phone number input on profile edit
  • Fix bugs on global search

2.16.3 - Nov 20, 2023


  • SSL improvements

2.16.2 - Nov 16, 2023


  • Fix page title
  • Fix HTTP uptime check's create form
  • Customized dashboard limited to 1 for free plans
  • Contacts access list is limited to "full access" for free plans
  • Fix FTP uptime check UI issues
  • Several Fixes for Uptime Calculation and States
  • Add help for custom domain setup (CNAME) when creating a Status page

2.16.1 - Nov 10, 2023


  • Help for push notification

2.16 - Nov 9, 2023


  • SSL Monitoring (beta)
  • Push notification for Mobile on Notification Roles
  • Search on Header Toolbar


  • Fixed MongoDB and MongoDB graphs
  • Fixed Docker table styling
  • Fixed HAProxy Trigger
  • Fixed Keydb and Redis graph labels
  • Fixed Docker popover

2.15.2 - Nov 6, 2023


  • Fixed Status page UI

2.15.1 - Nov 2, 2023


  • Fixed Status page

2.15 - Nov 2, 2023


  • New Public Status Page
  • Add SMS to account usage


  • Fixed server edit bug
  • Fixed some integration UI bugs

2.14 - Oct 18, 2023


  • MongoDB Integration
  • HAProxy Integration
  • Region Selection for Uptime checks
  • Region Selection for Servers


  • Fixed some graphs UI

2.13 - Oct 6, 2023


  • Customized Dashboards
  • DigitalOcean Integration and SSO


  • Some incidents messages are improved
  • Fix downtime on widget: Checks most downtime

2.12 - Sep 22, 2023


  • PagerDuty Integration
  • Sub-Accounts New UI
  • Credit Cards New UI
  • Huge Performance improvements on UI


  • Fix Uptime Widget
  • Fix Graph scales
  • Hide load avg on Windows Servers
  • Fix Support Ticket UI issues
  • Xitogent Logs UI improvements
  • Fix Uptime list cache issue
  • Fix Auto complete on Change Password
  • Fix a minor Billing/ Order bug
  • Fix a minor bug on Email reports
  • Fix anauthorized action bug on HTTP and Ping check
  • Fix 2FA UI bug
  • Fix Integrations UI bugs
  • Fix Triggers UI and improve responsiveness
  • Fix Server Disk IO data

2.11 - Sep 7, 2023


  • Xitogent Logs
  • Refactor filters for checks
  • Add status filter for checks


  • Fix current value metric based on unit for triggers
  • Notification logs page fixes
  • Fix contact email confirmation
  • Fix some check validation (including SSL for HTTP)
  • Disable edit for ping/http check related to server
  • Improved UX for Check discovery
  • Fix validation message for contact edit
  • Fix Password reset UI
  • Fix crash on test check
  • Fix memory graph colors
  • Fix netstat table UI
  • Separate OS name and CPU on servers
  • Fix progressbar colors (for CPU, mem, etc)
  • Side menu collapsable

2.10.2 - Aug 17, 2023

New Features

  • New Integration: Spike.sh

2.10.1 - Aug 16, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fix last month filter for Uptime Checks

2.10 - Aug 16, 2023

New Features

  • Notification Role redesigned and refactored
  • New widget For overall check status
  • New widget for checks with most downtime
  • New Integration: Phonecall
  • New Integration: Microsoft Teams
  • New Integration: Mattermost
  • New Integration: Discord
  • New Integration: Splunk on call
  • New Integration: Google Chat
  • New Integration: Opsgenie
  • New Integration: Pushover
  • New Integration: Pushbullet
  • New Integration: Ntfy
  • New Integration: Gotify
  • Email confirmation for sub accounts
  • Add alert for pause by system checks
  • Ability to skip wizard completely
  • Add check bulk action: add to Status Page
  • Add check bulk action: add to Maintenance
  • MySQL integration query trigger
  • Improvement on complete of sub account creation form
  • New filter on Uptime Checks, last month!
  • Improve Intercom chat widget position
  • Show warning on notification page if user has repeated incidets with paid channels
  • Confirmation for custom recipients on Notification Role now needs confirmation
  • New Access list item for sub accounts: Maintenance Schedule, Email Reports, Status Page

Bug Fixes

  • Fix several bugs related to sub accounts
  • Fix Paused check status
  • Fix Docker trigger
  • Fix request price 0 billing error
  • Fix heartbeat interval
  • Fix graph scales for metric and integrations
  • Fix network graph auto refresh to keep selected network adaptor

v2.9 - Jul 25, 2023

New Features

  • Whatsapp Integration
  • Advanced HTTP check, now supports more request and response controlling
  • Pagination for maintenances
  • Bulk actions on Checks (pause, unpause, delete)
  • New triggers (equal and not equal) for supervisor integration
  • Added dynamic filter (include all checks) for email reports
  • Added Mysql Query Graph
  • Added Docker Trigger per Container
  • Added Account Wizard

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed DNS and SMTP check create
  • Fixed timezone modification

v2.8 - Jun 1, 2023

New Features

  • DNS, IMAP, SMTP, POP3 checks are improved
  • New design for move servers
  • Widgets data improved
  • Add notice for servers without public ip to disable auto discovery on Server add
  • Empty page experience improvements for uptime and server page

Bug Fixes

  • Performance optimization
  • Responsive UI improvements
  • Dark mode UI Fix
  • Incident view and list improvements
  • Handling to avoid removing default credit card with proper notice

v2.7.1 - May 19, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Integrations incident messages
  • Fix a bug on the Account page breadcrumb
  • Fix on Maintenance pages validation
  • Style improvements on the New monitoring page
  • Fix pagination problems on the incidents page
  • Improvements on incidents filters in the Check Overview page

v2.7 - May 15, 2023

New Features

  • *.xitoring.io subdomain for status pages

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed server overview crash bug
  • Integration Fixes
  • UI fix for API block dark mode

v2.6 - May 9, 2023

New Features

  • Many fixes on Billing and Subscription page
  • Triggers UI Improvements and fixes
  • Uptime Check pause Improvements and fixes
  • Heartbeat checks now have interval on edit page
  • New monitoring page improvements and fixes

v2.5 - May 5, 2023

New Features

  • New Billing and Subscription page with predefined plans
  • Integrations are no more Beta!
  • Group Management on several pages
  • Supervisor Integration improvement
  • Ability to assign and unassign checks to servers

Bug Fixes

  • Trigger config improvement and UI fixes
  • Fix crash on default timezone
  • Fix outdated servers style
  • Fix Windows Xitogent installer command for heartbeat flag

v2.4 - May 4, 2023

New Features

  • Most pages are now having live data, including servers, checks, incidents

Bug Fixes

  • Bug fix on Disk I/O UI
  • Several UI fixes on Integrations
  • Fix validations for the Notification roles page
  • Fix for server label edit functionality
  • Style issues fixed for dashboard widgets
  • Fix for group and sub-group management
  • Service worker fixes
  • UI Fix for Integration graphs

v2.3 - April 10, 2023

New Features

  • Live data for servers page
  • Billing dropdown for free users to show account statistics
  • Imroved change password mod

Bug Fixes

  • Fix check interval value
  • Fix disk IO units
  • Fix width ipv6 and color pause icon on uptime table
  • Fix positions of uptime widget tooltip

v2.2.2 - April 03, 2023

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed +380 lines of EN translation grammatic issues
  • Improved fallback and error handling for Help menus
  • Fixed Check uptime API

v2.2.1 - April 01, 2023

New Features

  • Redirect to the selected page after login
  • Improvements on Splash Screen
  • Add Clear cache button to Splash Screen

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the upgrade button on the account page
  • Servers page style fixes
  • Style fixes on the Billing page

v2.2 - March 30, 2023

New Features

  • Initial Release of Integrations
  • Apache Integration
  • Nginx Integration
  • MySQL Integration
  • Keydb Integration
  • Redis Integration
  • PHP-FPM Integration
  • Supervisor Integration
  • Added Graphs and Triggers for Docker integration
  • Heartbeat check page filters

Bug Fixes

  • Fix CPU, Memory, and Disk values
  • Fix 2FA issues
  • Fix the sub-account page crash problem
  • Fix the graph page crash problem
  • Fix Service worker issues

v2.1.9 - March 09, 2023

New Features

  • Webhook Notification channel
  • Added Xitogent Heartbeat timeline
  • Improvement on HTTP(s) Check URL generator
  • Email Reports initial release
  • Add help texts for the Email reports page
  • Style improvements on the New monitoring page
  • Link every Check to its Uptime page
  • Improvements on dashboard widgets
  • Getting Started page renamed to New Monitoring

Bug Fixes

  • Warn the user when trying to create duplicate checks
  • Prevent users from creating empty status pages
  • Fix style issues on the triggers page
  • Separate Windows and Linux Server monitoring in the New monitoring page
  • Prevent users from creating empty email reports
  • Fix render issues on the Server overview page
  • Fix Disk I/O units
  • Fix incidents widgets
  • Fix the Heartbeat history table
  • Add confirmation dialogue for removing check and server
  • Fix breadcrumb issues
  • Fix servers page crash issues

v2.1.8 - February 12, 2023

New Features

  • Add List view for Servers page
  • Add manual check discovery button to servers page
  • Add Telegram integration to notification roles
  • Initial release of Heartbeat Checks

Bug Fixes

  • Fix accordiation on notification roles page
  • Style fixes on Maintenance schedule page
  • Style fixes for Docker integration table
  • Fix graphs time and date issues

v2.1.7 - January 26, 2023

New Features

  • Add params for HTTP(s) Checks
  • Add Repeating incidents

Bug Fixes

  • Fix some responsive issues
  • Fix style issues on Sub-Account pages
  • Fix issues with adding checks to groups

v2.1.6 - January 6, 2023

New Features

  • Add Email Reports feature

Bug Fixes

  • Fix style issues on Triggers tab of server overview page

v2.1.5 - December 29, 2022

New Features

  • Add Maintenance Schedule feature
  • Add Uptime overview page for Server dependent checks

Bug Fixes

  • Style fixes for Incidents page
  • Fix crashin issues of servers page
Last Updated: 6/21/2024, 4:52:27 PM