Ntfy Integration | Xitoring Document

Ntfy Integration

Xitoring supports Ntfy to allow receiving alerts and notifications on your Ntfy Web or Mobile.In order to enable Ntfy integration you need to create a Topic, or already have one created.

  1. Please login to https://ntfy.sh/app and see your Topic lists as shown in the below image. Ntfy integration
  2. Copy the Topic name and keep it for further use to enable this integration.

Enable Ntfy Integration on Xitoring

To enable Ntfy integration please navigate to Notification Roles and select your desired notification role, enable Ntfy and provide the Topic name in the last section as shown in the below image.

Ntfy integration

It's recommended to use Send a test notification to make sure the integration is working properly. For any questions or concerns you can contact support@xitoring.com

Last Updated: 8/14/2023, 8:12:12 PM