Xitoring CLI | Xitoring Document

Xitoring CLI

Xitoring CLI is a Node.js command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with Xitoring's services and is available to install in Windows, macOS, and Linux environments.


npm install xitoring-cli -g

The above command will install xitoring-cli tool globally. you can interact with the tool by the command xitoring on your terminal.

More information can be found on NPM.js website: xitoring-cliopen in new window


a Xitoringopen in new window account is required.

How to

  1. install the xitoring-cli using npm or any package manager.
  2. xitoring login to authenticate and obtain an API key.
  3. use commands to interact with your Xitoring account.


xitoring help: Show help

xitoring login: Provides a link to open in your browser and authenticate

xitoring servers: Display all servers and their metric data

xitoring uptime: Display all uptime and heartbeat checks and their real-time status

xitoring ssl: Display all SSL endpoints and their real-time status

Last Updated: 4/4/2024, 4:33:52 PM