KeyDB Integration | Xitoring Document

KeyDB Integration

KeyDB is a widely used open-source in-memory database that is known for its speed, flexibility, and high availability. It is designed to function as a drop-in replacement for Redis, offering better performance and scalability for large-scale applications. KeyDB supports various data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets, and provides advanced features such as pub/sub messaging, Lua scripting, and transactions.

Monitoring KeyDB is crucial to ensure its availability, performance, and security in many applications. Xitoring provides a comprehensive monitoring solution for KeyDB that allows users to monitor critical performance metrics such as memory usage, CPU utilization, throughput, and latency. Additionally, Xitoring provides advanced alerting capabilities that promptly notify users of any issues, empowering them to address problems proactively before they impact end-users. Monitoring KeyDB with Xitoring helps to ensure the reliability and performance of KeyDB-based applications, reducing downtime and enhancing the user experience.

Supported platforms

The following guide is working on Linux but some details could be quite different based on the OS version.

Enable KeyDB integration

Enabling Integrations with Xitogent is a straightforward process, and adding KeyDB integration is no exception. Xitogent offers a step-by-step CLI wizard that guides users through the process, allowing them to enable KeyDB integration quickly.

To add KeyDB integration using Xitogent, simply run the following command on the server:

xitogent integrate

From the list of available integrations, select KeyDB. Xitogent will prompt for the password of your KeyDB CLI so that it can connect to KeyDB, gather information, and collect statistics. If you are not using a password for your KeyDB CLI, you can leave the password field blank and hit enter. Xitogent will automatically connect to your KeyDB on port 6379 using the given password and send statistics that you can see in the Xitoring app.

After successful integration, Xitogent will create a configuration file for KeyDB integration at /etc/xitogent/integrations/keydb_integration.conf. The configuration file will contain important statistics such as total reads processed, total writes processed, and the last update timestamp.

Setup Triggers for KeyDB integration

Xitogent also enables users to create Triggers for KeyDB integrations and set up incidents based on specific parameters. These parameters include:

Connected clients
Rejected conns
R per sec (Read per second)
W per sec (Write per second)
Used memory
Used CPU user
Total keys

For instance, users can create a Trigger for Total keys that generates an incident if the total number of keys exceeds a specific threshold. On the Trigger page, users can view the current value for each parameter and configure their alerts accordingly.

Last Updated: 4/12/2023, 9:34:28 PM