Status page | Xitoring Document

Status page

Status pages are one of the most important pieces of your incident management process, Creating a public status page and providing it to your users can be very beneficial, for example:

  • Users/Clients can be ensured of the status of your services at any time
  • It can eliminate duplicate or false tickets which can be submitted from users at the time of any incident.
  • You can inform your users of future maintenance or incidents.

Create a Status Page

Creating a status page on Xitoring is very straightforward, Just navigate to Status Page from the Side menu, and Click on Create a New Status page on the top right side of the page.

In the create page you see two parts for configuration:

1. Configuration

In this section, you enter the initial details for the new status page, as described below.


Provide a page title for your status page e.g. ACME Status Page

Sub Domain

You can pick a * for your status page. e.g.

Custom URL

In the creating page, you enter the domain that you want your status page to be available on for example after that, you just need to add a simple line to your domain configurations like the below:    CNAME

Xitoring issues automated SSL for Status pages on custom domains, if you'd like to provide your own certificates please contact support.


This is an optional field, provide a password if you want to make your Status Page private, and restricted to use only with a password.

Announcement Banner

This is an optional field to provide a short text, which is always displayed on your Status Page header to everyone.

Meta description

This is an optional field to provide preferably 260 characters as a meta description for search engines.

Upload your 1:1 or 1:2 logo here to be displayed on the header.


Upload your 1:1 favicon here.

Disallow robots

Enable this option to discourage search engines from indexing your status page.

Hide check type

By default, your Uptime Check types (Ping, HTTP, etc) will be displayed beside the label, turn on this option to avoid this behavior.

2. Assign Checks

In this section, you can select which Checks you are willing to show information and details about on the status page.

You can see and select all of the checks despite of whether they are checks that are related to servers or independent checks. you can also select whole checks from groups or sub-groups with just one click.

3. Theme

In this section, you can configure all colors for light mode and dark mode to match your branding.

CSS Class Reference

.header-containercontainer of header section page
.header-textAnnouncement banner
.logo-containercontainer of logo
.logo-linklink of logo (a tag)
.logo-img-boxbox of image tag logo
.header-icon-btnsbutton icons of header
.fullscreen-btnfull screen button
.dark-mode-switchdark mode switch
.header-refetch-texttext of header refetch
.header-timezoneheader timezone
.main-containercontainer of main section page
.main-paperbox of main elements section
.summary-statussummary status
.main-tablemain table
.main-table-groupgroup tables of main table
.table-group-namegroup name of tables
.uptime-widgetuptime widget of table
.uptime-widget-labellabel of uptime widget
.uptime-widget-typetype of uptime widget
.uptime-widget-linklink to view uptime widget
.uptime-widget-percentagepercentage of uptime widget
.uptime-widget-statusstatus of uptime widget
.uptime-widget-barbar of uptime widget
.uptime-widget-tooltiptooltip of uptime widget
.main-table-sub-groupsub groups main table
.table-sub-groupsub group table
.title-acctitle of accordions
.recent-in-accrecent incidents accordion
.recent-in-acc-summaryrecent incidents accordion summary
.recent-in-acc-detailsrecent incidents accordion details
.footer-linklink of footer
.maintenance-accmaintenance accordion
.maintenance-acc-summarymaintenance accordion summary
.maintenance-acc-detailsmaintenance accordion details
.title-check-pagetitles of check page
.relate-incident-accrelated incidents accordion
.relate-incident-acc-summaryrelated incidents accordion summary
.relate-incident-acc-detailsrelated incidents accordion details
.maintenances-check-pagemaintenance check page
Last Updated: 6/21/2024, 4:42:03 PM