Monitor Azure Windows VM | Xitoring Document

Monitor Azure Windows VM

Extensions are small applications that provide post-deployment configuration and automation on Azure virtual machines (VMs). The Azure platform hosts many extensions covering VM configuration, monitoring, security, and utility applications. Publishers take an application, wrap it into an extension, and simplify the installation.

Azure VM extensionsopen in new window

Xitoring Azure VM Extension

It's pretty easy to set up Xitoring Server monitoring on any Windows machine using a single line command, but we wanted to make it easier for Azure users to boost their overall satisfaction and experience. Providing an Azure VM extension for Xitogent lets Azure users easily setup server monitoring for their virtual machines:

  1. Creating a new VM via web portal
  2. Creating a new VM via AZ CLI or PowerShell
  3. Creating a new VM via deployment templates
  4. Adding Xitogent to a current VM via web portal
  5. Adding Xitogent to a current VM using AZ CLI or PowerShell
  6. Adding Xitogent to a current VM using deployment templates


There's no single difference on the monitoring experience when installing Xitogent using Azure Extension or the standard command via PowerShell.


If you are not a Xitoring user please Sign upopen in new window first.

Xitogent registration key is required to add new servers to your account, you can find it on the Account page -> Xitogent Register Key -> Copy

Keep it for further usage.


Xitogent Registration key is not confidential, nor can be used to access any of your account data. the sole purpose of this key is to add a new server. Servers do not use this key to send data. After the registration process, each server grants a random uuid and password to send data.

Install Xitogent Extension on Azure using Web portal

  1. Login to your Azure portal.
  2. Navigate to Virtual Machines
  3. Choose a VM you want install Xitogent on.
  4. On the left side menu, find Extensions + applications under Settings menu.
  5. Click on + Add
  6. You will see Xitoring extension Agent for Monitoring on the top. Click on Next
  7. Provide Xitogent register key from above section and click on Review + create
  8. Now click on Create

On average it takes three minute for a Windows machine to get Xitogent installed properly, and you will receive an email from Xitoring upon successful operation.

Install Xitogent Extension on Azure CLI or PowerShell

  1. It's assumed you have already installed AZ CLI. If you didn't, please read more hereopen in new window. Using the below command you can easily install Xitogent on your Azure VM using AZ CLI. Make sure to replace these parameters:
az vm extension set --resource-group YourResourceGroup --vm-name MyVM1 --name XitogentWindows --publisher Xitoring --settings '{"key": "YourXitogentRegisterKey"}'

YourResourceGroup: Your actual resource group name

MyVM1: Your actual virtual machine name

YourXitogentRegisterKey: Xitogent register key from the above section.

Last Updated: 2/25/2024, 2:01:59 PM