Microsoft Teams Integration | Xitoring Document

Microsoft Teams Integration

Xitoring supports Microsoft Teams using webhooks to allow receiving alerts and notifications on your Microsoft Teams channels. In order to configure this integration, you need to follow these steps, according to Microsoft Teams official docsopen in new window.

  1. Open the channel in which you want to add the webhook and select ••• from the upper-right corner.

  2. Select Connectors from the dropdown menu. Microsoft Teams integration

  3. Search for Incoming Webhook and select Add.

  4. Select Configure, provide a name for example Xitoring. Microsoft Teams integration

  5. Copy and save the unique webhook URL present in the dialog. The URL maps to the channel and you can use it to send information to Teams.

Microsoft Teams integration
  1. You will end up with a Webhook endpoint that looks like so:


Treat this endpoint as a secret. Anyone who has it will be able to post messages to your Microsoft Teams channel.

Enable Microsoft Teams Integration on Xitoring

To enable Microsoft Teams integration please navigate to Notification Roles and select your desired notification role, enable Microsoft Teams and provide the complete webhook URL generated in the last section as shown in the below image.

Microsoft Teams integration

It's recommended to use Send a test notification to make sure the integration is working properly. For any questions or concerns you can contact

Last Updated: 8/14/2023, 8:12:12 PM