Docker Integration
Docker is an OS-level virtualization tool to deliver software in packages called Containers, Containers are isolated from each other and have their libraries and configuration files bundled, they can communicate with each other through well-defined channels. in other words, docker takes away repetitious and tedious tasks so you and your team can focus on more important things.
Supported platforms
The following guide is working on Linux but some details could be quite different based on the OS version.
Xitoring Docker integration
If you have servers that are running Docker environments you need your monitoring service to keep track of Docker statistics and status constantly, Xitoring has a Docker integration that can automatically detect and gather useful data about your Docker Containers, Images, Volumes, and Networks.
Enabling Docker integration
Enabling the Docker integration is the easiest part, You just need to execute the following command on your server:
xitogent integrate
And select Docker from the list of available integrations. After that, the connection between Xitogent and Docker is enabled and metrics and statistics are available on the Xitoring app.