Gotify Integration | Xitoring Document

Gotify Integration

Xitoring supports Gotify using API to allow receiving alerts and notifications on your Gotify server. In order to configure this integration, you need to have an active and running Gotify installation. It's assumed that you have already setup and installed Gotify on your server.

  1. Open your Gotify control panel on your web browser.

  2. Login to Gotify and navigate to APPS. Gotify integration

  3. Click on CREATE APPLICATION and fill out the form and click on CREATE. Gotify integration

  4. Copy your generated Token and keep it for further configuration on Xitoring. Gotify integration

Enable Gotify Integration on Xitoring

To enable Gotify integration please navigate to Notification Roles and select your desired notification role, enable Gotify and provide the Gotify Server URL and the token generated in the last section as shown in the below image.

Gotify integration

It's recommended to use Send a test notification to make sure the integration is working properly. For any questions or concerns you can contact

Last Updated: 8/17/2023, 10:22:06 AM